Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Have fun with sushi /

I love U sushi.....................success at last !
I LOV U sushi ..................... succès à la fin!

I love U sushi ..................... éxito por fin!

I Love U суши ..................... успеха в конце концов!

Hiii Tweety Sushi...... she looks so sad . Not so easy to create but still can make it.........!!

Hiii Sushi Tweety ...... elle a l'air si triste. Pas si facile à créer, mais encore, il peut être .........!
Hiii Sushi Tweety ...... ella se ve tan triste. No es tan fácil de crear, pero todavía se puede hacer .........!
Hiii Tweety Суши ...... она выглядит такой печальной. Не так просто создать, но все еще может сделать его .........!
Penguin Sushi pattern by Fun Sushi Roslano De Hassano .... ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Modèle de Sushi Penguin par Fun Sushi Novice chef Roslano De Hassano ....!!!

Patrón Sushi pingüino por Fun Sushi Chef principiante Roslano De Hassano .... ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Пингвин Суши паттерн Fun Суши Начинающие повара Roslano De Hassano ....!!!!

Good time with sushi a luscious combination of delightful texture and subtle flavor that creates a bouquet of happiness in the mouth. Designing sushi with creative pattern and unexpected outcome patterns is a very enjoyable experience

White Sushi Rice, Sausages, carrots and cucumbers cut into quarter, Roasted Nori Seaweed Sheets

Cook white sushi rice for 45 minutes according to package (use 1/2 cup for 3 servings).
Once the rice is cooked and cooled, spread out 3 roasted seaweed sheets, shiny side down.
spread 1/3 of rice over 1/2 of each sheet..
Place slices of sausage, carrot and cucumber strips on each sheet so rice is covered by sausage, carrot and cucumber combo. Roll each of those sheet  make three mini roll.
Spread another one large nori seaweed spread white rice on the sheet and put all those mini rolls on it
Roll seaweed sheets from the side with the rice into a roll, seal with warm water so the end of the sheet seals onto itself. 
Allow to chill at least 3 hours before slicing. Take your sharpest damp knife and slice each roll into 7-8 pieces. See what pattern you have created enjoy!!
Sushi can be served with any kind of dishes according to your taste.

Bon temps avec des sushis, une combinaison succulente de texture agréable et une saveur subtile qui crée un bouquet de bonheur dans la bouche. Conception sushi avec le modèle créatif et tendances inattendues sur les résultats est une expérience très agréable

  Quoi préparer

Riz blanc de sushi, des saucisses, des carottes et des concombres coupés en quart, rôti feuilles d'algue Nori

Faisons SUSHI

Faire cuire le riz à sushi blanc pendant 45 minutes en fonction de paquet (utilisez 1/2 tasse de 3 portions).
Une fois que le riz est cuit et refroidi, étaler 3 feuilles d'algues grillées, côté brillant vers le bas.
propager 1/3 de riz plus de 1/2 de chaque feuille ..
Placer les tranches de saucisses, de carotte et de concombre bandes sur chaque feuille si le riz est couvert par la saucisse, la carotte et le concombre combo. Rouler chaque feuille de ceux qui font trois mini rouleau.

Fais un autre une grande algue nori propage riz blanc sur la feuille et mettre tous ces mini-rouleaux sur elle
Rouler les feuilles d'algues de la côte avec le riz dans un rouleau, sceller avec de l'eau chaude pour la fin des joints de feuille sur elle-même.

Laisser refroidir au moins 3 heures avant de trancher. Prenez votre couteau humide forte et couper chaque rouleau en 7-8 morceaux. Voyez ce motif que vous avez créé enjoy!

Sushi peut être servi avec tout type de plats selon votre gout
Buen tiempo con sushi una combinación deliciosa de deliciosa textura y sabor sutil que crea un ramo de felicidad en la boca. Diseño de sushi con el patrón creativo y patrones de resultados inesperados es una experiencia muy agradable


Blanco Sushi arroz, salchichas, zanahorias y pepinos cortados en cuartos, asado Hojas alga nori

Hagamos SUSHI

Cocine el arroz de sushi blanco durante 45 minutos según el paquete (use 1/2 taza de 3 porciones).
Una vez que el arroz esté cocido y enfriado, que se extiende 3 hojas de algas tostadas, el lado brillante hacia abajo.
extendido tercio de arroz más de 1/2 de cada hoja ..
Coloque las rodajas de chorizo​​, zanahoria y pepino tiras en cada hoja para el arroz está cubierto por salchichas, zanahoria y pepino combo. Ruede cada uno de los de hoja hacen tres mini roll.

Corre otra gran alga nori se extendió el arroz blanco en la hoja y poner todos esos rollos de mini en él
Rollo de hojas de algas marinas desde el lado con el arroz en un rollo, sellar con agua tibia por lo que el final de los sellos de la hoja sobre sí misma.

Deje que se enfríe por lo menos 3 horas antes de rebanar. Toma tu cuchillo húmedo nítida y cortar cada rollo en 7-8 piezas. Descubre a qué patrón que ha creado enjoy!

Sushi se puede servir con cualquier tipo de platos a su gusto.
Хорошо провести время с суши сочные сочетание восхитительных текстур и тонкий аромат, который создает Букет счастья во рту. Проектирование суши с творческой картины и неожиданные модели результат, очень приятное впечатление

  Что приготовить

Белый рис суши, сосиски, морковь и огурцы нарезать четверть, жареные листы водоросли нори

ПОЗВОЛЯЕТ сделать суши

Приготовить белый рис суши в течение 45 минут согласно инструкции на упаковке (используйте 1/2 стакана на 3 порции).
Как только рис готовится и охлаждается, раскинувшийся 3 листов жареные морские водоросли, блестящей стороной вниз.
распространение 1/3 риса более 1/2 каждого листа ..
Место ломтиками колбасу, морковь и огурец полосками на каждом листе так риса покрыто комбо колбасу, морковь и огурец. Раскатать каждый из этих листов делают три мини-ролла.

Выкладываю еще одно большое распространение водорослей нори белого риса на листе и собрать все эти мини-блинчики на нем
Рулон водорослей листов со стороны с рисом в рулон, печать с теплой водой так, чтобы конец листа уплотнения на себя.

Разрешить, чтобы охладить не менее 3 часов до нарезки. Возьмите острый нож влажным и нарезать каждый рулон в 7-8 штук. Посмотрите, что образец, который Вы создали и наслаждаться!

Суши можно подавать с любым видом блюда по своему вкусу.

DIY Do-It-Yourself (Sushi rice spreader controller)
How to spread sushi rice on nori seaweed easily, fast and efficient. Take one square plastic container, cut along its edges until the base separated. Take nori seaweed  place the plastic container on it and spread sushi rice on it, you can do it easily fast and without making any mess. Takeoff the container and roll it as usual.
After rolling and cut sushi and see the pattern

Arrange sushi nicely on any dishes, but this will be looks grand by using this cake stake place as in the picture
What more to know about sushi, just have a look the following segment

Sushi Supplies CatSushi Rolling Supplies
Shipped to your door!
by Sushi Now!

Shrimp is probably easier to get than a good block of  salmon and tuna sashimi, and it is also very easy to prepare it for sushi. I’m sure a lot of people cook shrimp at home, and the only difference between regular shrimp and shrimp for sushi is that shrimp for sushi is straight and flattened. I’m not even sure if you can call this a “recipe”, but I thought it’d be nice to know a little trick like this.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
[How to prepare shrimp for sushi]
- raw shrimp with shell (not cleaned or cooked)
- salt
– toothpicks
– skewers
*If you’re interested in making sushi rice from scratch, check out “How to make sushi rice.”

1. First you have to de-vein the shrimp. I usually use a toothpick instead of a knife. Stick a toothpick on about 1/4 inch from the back of shrimp between the first and second shell from the tail, and pull it outward.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
You probably don't get vein out here, but this is to cut the vein on the tail end to make it easier to pull the rest of it on the step 2.
2. Stick a toothpick on 1/4 inch from the back of shrimp, and slowly pull it outward.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
Stick a toothpick around the middle of shrimp's back.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
You can just do this without doing Step 1, and you'll be able to take the most vein out, but after doing Step 1 it feels like it's easier to remove more vein without getting cut off.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
I love pulling veins out of shrimp. It's so satisfying.
3. Wash the shrimp after removing the vein.
4. Stick a skewer straight into the shrimp. Don’t stick it through the tail. I cut a regular skewer in half and use it because you’ll use fewer skewers and it’s easier to fit in a pot that way. (If you’re using metal skewers, make sure you use a pot deep enough for the whole shrimp to submerge  in water.)
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
5. Put shrimp into boiling salted water, and cook it for a couple of minutes.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
You don't have to cook them for too long. Shrimp cooks pretty quick.
6. Drain the shrimp and let it cool off.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
7. Gently hold the shrimp in your hand and pull the skewer out as you twist it. Then remove the shell. You usually don’t remove the tail for shrimp sushi, but if you want to remove it, that’s fine too. The tail is just for a decoration.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
8. Cut the shrimp along the belly side. Be careful not to cut it all the way to the back. Flatten it and pat it dry.
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
And you have shrimp for sushi!
I’m certainly not a sushi chef, and I don’t really care how finished should sushi look. :P
How to prepare shrimp for sushi
Look how chunky my sushi is!
If you have problem shaping the sushi, you can make it into “temari-zushi.” Which means “hand ball sushi.” You can just put shrimp/fish on a piece of plastic wrap, and put a bit of rice on top and wrap it tightly to make it into a ball. Because they’re all same shape and tightly held together, temari-zushi is great for kids.
Shrimp sushi
Not the best looking sushi, but who cares, I'm the one who's eating it! :P
Half a pound (about two dozen medium shrimp) was under $5 at the market by our place. I live in Brooklyn, and I’m sure it’s a lot cheaper if you buy them at a real fish market. So even with the cost of rice, 20~24 pieces of sushi shrimp for somewhere around $ 6~7.